Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas is really coming...

It is December 15th and we still don't have a Christmas tree. 
I was going back and forth between Japan and US since end of October.  As I mentioned in my last posting, my stepmother passed away and I had to hold a funeral and a 49th day ceremony for her.  My dad passed away in January and I had to do the same.  It's a little early but I also held my dad's one year anniversary ceremony at the same time.  I came back to the US on the 5th and we left for Las Vegas on 7th for my birthday celebration.  We canceled last year's trip and this year we were determined to go...but almost canceled it again due to funeral. 
Glad we went though...we received a portable chopstick order from a customer in Kingman, AZ when we were driving around Hoover Dam.  We saw a traffic sign which says "Kingman, Arizona" ahead.  We thought "wow, somebody in this town just ordered our chopsticks!".  What a weird feeling.
We visited Hoover dam a little late around 4pm.  When we were leaving we saw black smoke in the sky over lake Mead.  We didn't think much of it that time.  Next morning TV news said a helicopter crashed around lake Mead.  We checked our photos after we returned home and we found a helicopter....and smoke.  Thinking people died right there while we were there is not a good feeling.

Now back to business...we are running ads on Google and Facebook now.  We are getting more orders and many more "Likes" thanks to our advertisement. 

Our Bamboo Charcoal Wind Chime - Sazanami - sold out today.  When I visited the place that makes bamboo charcoal - I wasn't sure what to buy.  The owner, Mr. Yoshida, ran the company by himself and was very passionate about making bamboo charcoal.  It is a long process and not all charcoal make it to the next process.  He only uses the best ones.  He had interior decoration, lamps, crackers and candy all made with bamboo charcoal.  Lamps were very ornate and very expensive.  Then I found wind chimes.  Some were big and very expensive, but small ones were cute and reasonable.  I thought this might sell.  So I ordered them along with charcoal sticks. 

Now after earthquake and nuclear plant explosion in Fukushima area, he had to leave his house and kiln behind and moved to a temporary residence.  He can't make bamboo charcoal there.  I don't know what he is doing every day.  But today we contacted him for more products.  He has stock of different kinds of wind chimes that were made way before the earthquake.  These were officially tested and proved to be safe.  We ordered quite a bit and he was very happy.  We hope he won't lose hope and keeps making one of a kind bamboo charcoal products. 

These new wind chimes won't be uploaded until end of January or February.  But we will have many more kinds of wind chimes!  We just uploaded more pottery jewelry, too.  Our website is getting more and more fun to just look at it.  We keep ordering new stuff and they come in every month.  So check it out often...we run promotions here and there and if you become our loyal customer, you will get more discounts and coupons!!

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